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save() - Method in class datatypes.Game
save() - Method in class datatypes.Server
Saves the server information in a file.
save() - Static method in class main.Settings
script - Variable in class datatypes.Game
script - Variable in class datatypes.Server
send(byte[], String, int, String) - Static method in class main.Controller
Sends a package to the server (UDP) and returns the answer.
sendMulti(byte[], String, int, String, String) - Static method in class main.Controller
Sends a package to the server (UDP) and receives multiple packets.
Server - Class in datatypes
Holds server information that needs to be saved (ip/port) and its status.
Server() - Constructor for class datatypes.Server
Server(String) - Constructor for class datatypes.Server
Creates server Object and loads from file.
ServerStatus - Class in datatypes
Contains statusinformation about the server (reachability, password, playerlist).
ServerStatus() - Constructor for class datatypes.ServerStatus
ServerTree - Class in gui.servergametree
Nicely looking JTree.
ServerTree(ServerTreeNode) - Constructor for class gui.servergametree.ServerTree
ServerTreeCellRenderer - Class in gui.servergametree
TreeCellRenderer with alternating colored rows.
ServerTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class gui.servergametree.ServerTreeCellRenderer
ServerTreeNode - Class in gui.servergametree
ServerTreeNode(String, int) - Constructor for class gui.servergametree.ServerTreeNode
ServerTreeUI - Class in gui.servergametree
Extended BasicTreeUI with alternating colored rows.
ServerTreeUI() - Constructor for class gui.servergametree.ServerTreeUI
setList(PlayerList, Game) - Method in class gui.PlayerDialog
Sets the current PlayerList to be displayed.
setMain(Container) - Method in class windowmanager.Dock
Sets the Window as main.
setMap(String) - Method in class datatypes.ServerStatus
Sets the map and escapes html characters.
setSub(Container) - Method in class windowmanager.Dock
Container Sets the window as second window.
Settings - Class in main
Contains the settings, and windowinformation (size etc.).
Settings() - Constructor for class main.Settings
showMenu(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.Window
standardPort - Variable in class datatypes.Game
start(int) - Static method in class main.Controller
Connects to a server at a specified index.
status - Variable in class datatypes.Server
Holds the server status.
strToHtml(String) - Method in class datatypes.Colorset
Replaces all color codes by html tags.