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calculateResize(Container, Component, Component, Component, Component, Dimension, Dimension) - Static method in class windowmanager.Resizer
Calculates the size of a component depending on other components.
CheckThread - Class in main
Is an extra thread class to get Server informations for later use.
CheckThread(int) - Constructor for class main.CheckThread
Puts the server index in a buffer and starts a new Thread.
cleanString(String) - Method in class datatypes.Colorset
Removes all color codes from the passed string.
clone() - Method in class gui.AddServer
closeAtConnect - Static variable in class main.Settings
colors - Static variable in class main.Settings
Colorset - Class in datatypes
This class stores and manages colorcodes for games.
Colorset(String) - Constructor for class datatypes.Colorset
Colorset() - Constructor for class datatypes.Colorset
colorSet - Variable in class datatypes.Game
Controller - Class in main
Contains static methods and attributes that don't fit anywhere else.
Controller() - Constructor for class main.Controller